And if you white, middle class dinosaurs
Think the boys in blue in Bagdad drag
Have nothing to do with you,
Just wait
Just wait ‘til you’ve had enough
enough sixteen dollar chicken
enough seven dollar milk
enough five dollar gas
With nary a raise in a decade
With nothing but a big empty smile
From your “elected representative”
And you bow up a little
And say, “Hey, ain’t this my country too?”
Like the people of Ferguson said
Like black people been saying for 150 years
See how the answer comes
Hard as a rubber bullet
Fast as a teargas wind
Direct as the boot on your neck
And the bought cop in “riot gear”
Whose boot it shall be
“Get down on the ground, motherfucker
Bow out flat to the New American Empire
Of which you, too, now
Are a little bit next to nothing”