Noir graphic novel follows lab assistant Bouffant Flint as a terrible accident hurtles her into a world she never made; or maybe she did. Things are strange, yet strangely familiar. Bouffant must get home before her very presence causes this new world to fly apart. Submissive wolves, dominant rabbits, and humans caught in the middle. For mature readers.
8.5×11, Soft Cover, 48 pages, $14.95
This neo-noir graphic novel for mature readers tells the amazing, possibly-true story of Bouffant Flint, a struggling lab assistant who is thrust into a world she never made. Actually, she did have some culpability in making it. A terrible lab accident creates a tiny universe, and Bouffant is transported there. But her presence upsets the natural order- she has only a brief time to get back to her own world before this new one flies apart!
Enlisting the aid of a rabbit-like private eye, a comely hostess, a zen-voodoo priest, and a superfluous dinosaur, Bouffant struggles to solve the mystery of this brave new universe and keep her clothes on- both at the same time!
Rapacious wolves, sinister gangsters, guns, broads, Buicks and a special DC-3 make this rambunctious tale a hilarious proto-classic!